Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So I don't forget. . .

Dear Noah,

I haven't written in awhile and wanted to make sure I documented some of our favorite things you were doing  at the young/old age of twenty-two months.

Yesterday, I was sitting on the bottom step with you when Mom asked if you wanted to take a bath. You jumped up immediately and because I was in your way, emphatically said "SEE-ya".

You place your animals on their side (often on the steps) and say "nap, nap".  You then come into the living room, hold your finger over your mouth let us know to be quiet.

On of your favorite things to do right now is to yell "jumping, jumping".   As you yell this, you jump as high as you can.  I don't think you have ever actually made it off the ground, but the proud look on your face suggest you think you were soaring.   You also run through the house as fast as you can yelling "running, running".  You also attempt to march, but it looks more like you are doing some sort of zombie walk.

Any time we ask who you are talking to when you have a phone up to your ear, you say "James".

You found a pine cone the other day and you carried it everywhere calling it "sinecone".

You vacuum with your Fisher Price popper and when finished you wind up the imaginary cord and put it away.  You also plug in the imaginary cord to an imaginary electrical outlet when you begin.

One of the cutest things you have done recently is to stand in the middle of the living room and strum the picture of the guitar on your shirt while singing. You love the piano and always want us to show you videos of people playing.  You are also able to pick out and distinguish when a piano, guitar or trumpet is being played when we are listening to music.

This is the only time it makes any sense to undertake this endeavor, but I am going to attempt to list all of the words or phrases that you say and seem to understand:

Outside, upstairs, downstairs, sit DOWN, up, high, airplane, truck, BIG truck (your emphasis), car, train, bike, motorcycle, cow (moo), sheep (baaa), horse (nay), lion (roar), turtle, elephant, giraffe, birds, fish, cat, dog, snake, monkey, Elmo, Big Bird, Oscar, Zoe, Grover, cookie, cheese, toast, bread, kiwi, apple, banana, chicken, ice cream, water, broccoli, peas, milk, salsa, vinegar, ketchup, water, juice, chin, beard, foot, toe, finger, hand, arm, belly, bottom, chest, back, neck, hair, couch, chair, fell, trip, spinning, fork, knife, spoon, plate, cup, bowl, picture, bye-bye, nap, sleeping, sorry, red, blue, green, yellow, kleenex, TV, video, momma, dadda, Grandma, James, Betty, please, thank-you, help please, yucky, whoops, uh-oh,  poop, pee, music, drum, guitar, singing, tree, flowers, sky, moon, house, pumpkin, stairs, lights, bath, funny, open, close, miss, lap, wash hands, soap, big truck gone, thank-you, mama gone, shoot, miss, blanket, piano, door, open, close, camera, screaming, Liam. . .


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